Innovative Research in Clinical and Health Psychology III. Introduction to the supplement

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Alvaro Barrios-Núñez


Clinical and Health Psychology generate considerable pragmatic and methodological benefits that improve the mental health of the population. Clinical Psychology emphasizes the evaluation, prediction, and alleviation of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral psychological affectations, while Health Psychology focuses its actions on health promotion, providing health education, developing studies and interventions on variables attitudinal, motivational, and emotional factors associated with health and quality of life, the promotion of healthy habits and lifestyles, as well as the learning of habits that favor health.


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Cómo citar
Barrios-Núñez, A. . (2023). Innovative Research in Clinical and Health Psychology III. Introduction to the supplement. Gaceta Médica De Caracas, 131(S3). Recuperado a partir de

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