Perceived constraints and impacts of online learning experiences by Indonesian university students during COVID-19

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Devia Putri Lenggogeni
Hema Malini
Dewi Eka Putri
Bunga Permata Wenny


Introduction: Many educational institutions introduced online learning during COVID-19 to cope with the social distancing and lockdown policies. The students face challenges in adapting to new circumstances and the unprecedented use of technology. This study aimed to identify the constraints and impacts experienced by students during online learning. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design approach for 407 students who participated in online learning. Sampling used a non-probability technique, namely the snowball sampling technique. The constraints and impacts of online learning were measured using a questionnaire. The statistical test used the Pearson correlation test.


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Cómo citar
Lenggogeni, D. P. ., Malini, H., Eka Putri, D. ., & Wenny, B. P. . (2022). Perceived constraints and impacts of online learning experiences by Indonesian university students during COVID-19. Gaceta Médica De Caracas, 130(5S). Recuperado a partir de