The Effect of Yophytta Exercise for Shortening the Second Stage of Labour in Primigravidas

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Supatmi Supatmi
Intan Permatasari
Fathiya Luthfil Yumni
Aryunani Aryunani


The prolonged labor in the second stage has a dangerous effect on the fetus and mother. Yophytta exercise trains to regulate the breath during labor. In addition, the muscles are more elastic, which also makes it easier to deliver the baby process. The purpose of this study aims to investigate the effect of yophytta exercise on shortening the second stage of labor in primigravidas.


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Cómo citar
Supatmi, S., Permatasari, I., Yumni, F. L., & Aryunani, A. (2022). The Effect of Yophytta Exercise for Shortening the Second Stage of Labour in Primigravidas. Gaceta Médica De Caracas, 130(1 S), S119-S124. Recuperado a partir de