COVID-19: Hematological and laboratory findings in patients from a private hospital in Caracas, Venezuela.Correlation with mortality

Contenido principal del artículo

A Müller
A Soyano
Chirinos L
A Ochoa
P Guillermo
V William
I Ramírez
A Galea
M Comegna
M Ravard
K Otero
M Durán
J Piña
H Marcano
J Domínguez
R Serbanescu
F Ruiz
G Molina
M Flores
E Olivo
N Croce


The first cases of COVID-19 in Venezuela occurred in mid-March 2020. The number of cases remained relatively low until May when it began to increase, reaching its maximum in August 2020. The purpose of this work is to present the clinical, hematological, and laboratory studies carried out on 139 patients hospitalized at the El Ávila Clinic, a private hospital in Caracas, between June 30 and September 15, 2020.


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Cómo citar
Müller, A., Soyano, A., L, C., Ochoa, A., Guillermo, P., William, V., Ramírez, I., Galea, A., Comegna, M., Ravard, M., Otero, K., Durán, M., Piña, J., Marcano, H., Domínguez, J., Serbanescu, R., Ruiz, F., Molina, G., Flores, M., Olivo, E., & Croce, N. (2021). COVID-19: Hematological and laboratory findings in patients from a private hospital in Caracas, Venezuela.Correlation with mortality. Gaceta Médica De Caracas, 129(2), 279–291. Recuperado a partir de