The influence of personality and motives on highly HIV- adherent patients from Venezuela: Theoretical and structural equation analysis

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Jesús F. Laborín Álvarez
Ronald González Mendoza
Marydela A. Torin Braz
José L. Ybarra Sagarduy


The practice of adherence behaviors in patients living with HIV is essential to keep viral load levels undetectable and to avoid complications associated with the disease. One of the most important influences for practicing such behaviors is the psychological factors.

La práctica de conductas de adherencia en pacientes que viven con VIH es fundamental para mantener indetectables los niveles de carga viral y evitar complicaciones asociadas a la enfermedad. Una de las influencias más importantes para practicar tales comportamientos son los factores psicológicos.


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Cómo citar
Laborín Álvarez, J. F., González Mendoza, R., Torin Braz, M. A., & Ybarra Sagarduy, J. L. (2021). The influence of personality and motives on highly HIV- adherent patients from Venezuela: Theoretical and structural equation analysis. Gaceta Médica De Caracas, 129(1S), S144-S152. Recuperado a partir de