La política hidrocarburífera del gobierno de Macri y las causas del equilibrio del balance energético externo
El articulo pretende analizar la politica economica y energetica implementada en Argentina con el cambio de gobierno en 2015, tomando en consideracion la dinamica de los actores y su impacto economico sobre el sector externo, pues se registraron cambios en materia economica y energetica con la implementacion de politicas de libre mercado. En el sector energetico se instrumentaron medidas tendientes a incentivar las inversiones privadas y replegar la intervencion estatal con la finalidad de incrementar la produccion de hidrocarburos y mejorar la balanza de pagos, en el marco de un nuevo proceso de restriccion externa. Se busca analizar si se cumplieron los objetivos trazados, es decir, si las politicas desarrolladas aumentaron el nivel de inversion en el sector hidrocarburifero que permitieran apuntalar la actividad y corregir el balance externo.
With the change of government in 2015 in Argentina,there were changes in economic and energy matters with the implementation of free market policies. In the energy sector, measures were implemented to encourage private investment and withdraw state intervention in order to increase hydrocarbon production and improve the balance of payments, within the framework of a new external restriction process. Thus, the objective of the article is to analyze the economic and energy policy implemented considering the dynamics of the actors and their economic impact on the external sector. The aim is to analyze whether the objectives set were met, that is, whether the policies developed increased the level of investment in the hydrocarbon sector that would allow the activity to be supported and the external balance to be corrected.