Artificial intelligence as an educational tool: advantages and disadvantages from the teacher's perspective


  • Deinny Puche-Villalobos Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela


Artificial intelligence, advantages, disadvantages, teachers' perspective


The study arises from a manifest concern among teachers regarding students' use of artificial intelligence for their academic work. Its objective was to assess the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence (AI) from the teacher's perspective to understand its impact on educational work. A positivist methodology with a quantitative approach was employed, classified as evaluative. The sample consisted of 88 teachers from the Faculty of Education at the University of Zulia, who were surveyed using a questionnaire validated by five experts, showing high reliability (α = 0.98). The results indicate that more than half of the teachers believe that AI improves the quality of teaching (54.5%) and promotes critical thinking (52.2%). However, they express concern about the negative impact on student autonomy (71.5%) and the risk of loss of analytical skills (50.0%) due to the use of AI. Technological dependence is also a concern (40.9%). In conclusion, while AI offers significant educational advantages, teachers have concerns about its potential negative impact on student autonomy and analytical skills, as well as technological dependence.


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Author Biography

Deinny Puche-Villalobos, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela

Doctorando en Políticas Públicas y Profesión Docente. MSc. en Enseñanza de la Biología. Lcdo. en Educación Biología de la Universidad de Zulia. Maracaibo, Venezuela. Director del Colegio Cristo Rey de Altamira-Caracas. Profesor de Italiano de la Universidad Central de Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Puche-Villalobos, D. . (2024). Artificial intelligence as an educational tool: advantages and disadvantages from the teacher’s perspective. Areté, Doctorate in Education Digital Journal, 10(ee), 85–100. Retrieved from