Cognitive tests that determine the useful consciousness time in pilots exposed to hypobaric hypoxia: a review


  • Juan M. Castro Herrera
  • Eduardo Tuta Quintero
  • Daniel Botero Rosas


Hypoxia; Pilots; Useful Consciousness Time; Cognitive Tests


Introduction: The recognition of hypoxia in aviation is very important to reduce air accidents due to human errors, since pilots during exposure to hypoxia present cognitive impairment reflecting a time of consciousness compromise in terms of decision-making during flights.

Objective: To determine the capacity of cognitive tests to recognize or detect the loss of useful consciousness time in the Colombian Air Force pilots during hypoxia training at 25 000 feet.

Methods: Systematic Exploratory Review of literature since 2010, including a database with texts that include the appliance of cognitive tests during hypoxia, from: PubMed, lilacs, Google Scholar, Google patents, IEEE Xplore, Digital Library and SCOPUS.

Results: 12 articles were found evaluating different characteristics of cognitive impairment. The author´s origin countries and the study process were from United States of America (n=5), France (n=2), China (n=1), Pakistan (n=1), New Zealand (n=1), Canada (n=1), and Hungary (n=1). In these articles they employed the Mini Mental State Examination, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test, automated neurophysiological tests, and the King-Devick test.

Conclusions: The tests evaluate 4 spheres in the pilots during hypoxia exposure: listening, perceptual reasoning, the working memory, and the visual processing speed.


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How to Cite

Juan M. Castro Herrera, Eduardo Tuta Quintero, & Daniel Botero Rosas. (2023). Cognitive tests that determine the useful consciousness time in pilots exposed to hypobaric hypoxia: a review. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 40(8). Retrieved from