Attitude impaction of information and perception to digital dental practices in respect to coronavirus outbreak



Perception, Coronavirus, Digital Dentistry, knowledge


Objectives: Objectives: The study's main aim is to assess the deep understanding and perception of dental practices to manage the digital facilities against coronavirus. Methods: A structured survey was assigned to all dentists practicing an online link Google form and transferred via Facebook, Viber, Telegram, and what's app official dental/ medical faculty groups for 3-months from 13 February to 13 May 2020. The questionnaire examined members’ awareness regarding coronavirus results, patient identification from the orofacial exhibition as a presumption control measure then understanding of dental staff to proper digital valuability. The statistical analysis was conducted utilizing simple SPSS Statistics V22.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). Results: A sum of 250 participants answered the questionnaire. Overall, the awareness was beneficial with some distinct responses in control measures against quickening of outbreak ultimately. Nevertheless, coronavirus appeared extremely important and pandemic. Still, the attention toward adopting digital facilities in dental practices was critical and proportionate with overall understanding of the route of transmission, patient protections, and quality development protocols to lessen the chance of an outbreak in the dental practice area. The awareness was acceptable because of an efficiency of 60% and a validity of 45% scores to save time and cost in dropping COVID-19 outbreak. Conclusion: Best dental health care instructions rely on control measures of understanding and knowledge of dental practices workforce. Educational operations need to concentrate on those two concepts given special attention by logical activation of the digital dental workflow instead of traditional, particularly in times of crisis like coronavirus.


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How to Cite

Ammar MOH. (2023). Attitude impaction of information and perception to digital dental practices in respect to coronavirus outbreak. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 40(8). Retrieved from