Orbital Hydatid Cyst: assessment of age, gender, site distribution and clinical presentation



Orbital Hydatid Cyst, age, gender, site distribution, clinical presentation


Background: Any luminal closed space that is lined by either membranous or cellular sheathe and containing air, fluid, solid or semisolid material is called Cyst. In the Orbit this cyst can be resulted from either ductal obstruction, developmental, or parasitic infestation, Objective: Assessment of the distribution of Orbital Hydatid cyst according to age, gender, site, clinical features. Method: A retrospective study conducted for the period from 2010-2020, during which 632 patients with orbital cyst attend the Orbital clinic in Medical city in Baghdad. This clinic receives most of orbital cases from all governorate of Iraq. Results: Ten patients out of 632 cases had Orbital Hydatid cyst (1.58%). The age was ranging from 3-15 years with a mean of (8.6±4.1 years). Three cases were female, with a male to female ratio 2:1. Orbital Hydatid cyst affecting the right side in 6 patients, while the left orbit was involved in 4 patients. No bilateral Orbital Hydatid cyst. With respect to the site of the lesion inside the orbit, 3 of them were superiomedial, while seven were superiolateral, no inferior lesion found in this study. The most common presenting features was painless proptosis (90%), followed by chemosis (60%), and conjunctival edema 30%. Conclusion: Hydatid disease of the Orbit usually it is the primary lesion, which is rare disease. Most of the cases are unilateral, located superiorly (medial or lateral) retro bulbar in location whether extra or intraconal. No sex dominance found although commonly affect children and teens. The most common clinical presentation is painless proptosis. When suspected, patients better to be evaluated by either computed tomography or by magnetic resonance imaging.


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How to Cite

Hayder Alhemiary, & Dhuha Almayoof. (2023). Orbital Hydatid Cyst: assessment of age, gender, site distribution and clinical presentation. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 40(8). Retrieved from http://caelum.ucv.ve/ojs/index.php/rev_aavft/article/view/26106