Public policies for tuberculosis control in two marginal urban indigenous communities of Lima



Tuberculosis, public health policy, cultural competency, indigenous peoples, local government


The study focused on public policies for TB control in urban marginalized Quechua and Shipibo communities, elucidating aspects related to the implementation effectiveness of social development programs and strategies. Urban ethnography was used as part of the qualitative study. The Quechua community was more organized and self-managed its progress, counting on the support of the municipality, while the Shipibo-Conibo community remained stagnant, fragmented and unstable in its organization. The inclusion of health policies as part of local government policies is still a challenge, so coordinate these with other sustainable development strategies is a crucial endeavour, taking care not to distort cultural identity or disrupt aspects related to the implementation of other national health strategies in the absence of which municipal intervention would be unjustified.


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How to Cite

Jacinto Joaquin Vértiz Osores, Ricardo Iván Vértiz Osores, Juana Yris Díaz Mujica, Renzo Manuel Delgado Rodríguez, José Francisco Vallejos Saldarriaga, Miguel A. Saavedra López, Ronald M. Hernández, & Yolvi Ocaña Fernández. (2023). Public policies for tuberculosis control in two marginal urban indigenous communities of Lima. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 40(7). Retrieved from