Gastrointestinal COVID-19: Another side of the problem


  • María Dennys Mendieta González
  • Vicente David Aguilera Moreira
  • Jennifer Estefanía López Ramírez
  • Cristhian Javier Tinoco Pinargote
  • Aylen Marilyn Vergara Tito
  • Jerely Dayana Rueda Albuja
  • Paul Sebastián Lara González
  • Gabriela Estefany Morales Fonseca
  • Vianka Nickolle García López
  • Luis Marcelo Villalobos Quinchuela


COVID-19, coronavirus, digestive symptoms, gastroenterology, gut microbiota.


The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is an emergent problem in public health with new epidemiological, pathophysiological, diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive aspects in constant discovery and development. Although initially the study of COVID-19 had centered on its respiratory manifestations, it has been observed that the SARS-CoV-2 infects numerous tissues, including the respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal (GI), and nervous systems. In particular, the presence of GI symptoms has garnered greater relevance as the pandemic progresses, serving in some cases as a prognostic factor for infection severity or as a diagnostic reference in absence of respiratory symptoms. A majority of the evidence indicates that patients with GI symptoms tend to have worse prognoses than those without them. It has been demonstrated that the SARS-CoV-2 infection modifies the gut microbiota in favor of opportunistic agents, resulting in a greater inflammatory response. Interventions on gut microbiota have been proposed as part of the treatment of COVID-19, but further evidence is required to substantiate its implementation. The objective of this review is to evaluate the epidemiological aspects related with the GI symptoms of COVID-19 patients, as well as the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying these symptoms and patients’ affectation by them.


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How to Cite

María Dennys Mendieta González, Vicente David Aguilera Moreira, Jennifer Estefanía López Ramírez, Cristhian Javier Tinoco Pinargote, Aylen Marilyn Vergara Tito, Jerely Dayana Rueda Albuja, Paul Sebastián Lara González, Gabriela Estefany Morales Fonseca, Vianka Nickolle García López, & Luis Marcelo Villalobos Quinchuela. (2023). Gastrointestinal COVID-19: Another side of the problem. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 40(6). Retrieved from