Evaluation of body composition in a Colombian population attending a private practice in the city of Barranquilla, Atlántico


  • Juan Carlos Clavijo
  • Camila Isabel Arteta
  • Sebastián Madera
  • Gabriel García
  • Jorge Herrera
  • Liz Carolina Martínez
  • Luis Fernando Barrios
  • Luis Fernando Barrios
  • Raúl Antonio Guevara
  • Camila Alejandra Llinás


Body composition, bioimpedance, overweight, obesity, BMI.


Introduction: It is important to recognise body composition as a factor beyond weight, determined by fat, fat-free, mineral, visceral mass, total body water, habits, diet, basal metabolism (genetic component), etc. Individual differences in body composition, body fat distribution, and adipose tissue functions are predictors of the development of vascular and metabolic diseases, independent of sex.

Objective: To evaluate body composition in a Colombian population attending a private practice in the city of Barranquilla, Atlántico.

Materials and methods: Descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study using data from 345 patients between 18 and 60 years of age, collected from medical records, as a result of medical-nutritional consultations at the BiomediKcal-Advanced Medical Nutrition and Lifestyle Center in Barranquilla, all found with the "Tanita MC-780MA" bioimpedance medical equipment.

Results: Significant differences in w.kg, BMI, age, height and FFM.kg were found in the population assessed: The mean w.kg (p=0.01) in men was 60.3 kg, the mean w.kg in women was 59.2 kg. Mean BMI (p=0.001) men was 24.5, mean BMI women was 23.8 with a SD of 3.2. The mean age (p=0.001) in men was 39.8 years, in women the mean age was 32.2 years. Mean height (p=0.001) in men 172.4 cm, mean height in women 160.2. The mean FFM.kg (p=0,001) was 40,1 kg in men, in women 39,5 kg. No significant differences were found in the variables %FM (p=0,44) mean 33% in men, mean in women 32,8% and FM.KG (p=0,09) mean in men 20,2 kg and mean in women 19,7 kg.

Conclusions: The population evaluated when stratified by gender presented significant differences in multiple variables, based on which strategies can be designed to strengthen the physical health and healthy habits promotion programmes aimed at the Barranquilla community.


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How to Cite

Clavijo, J. C. ., Arteta, C. I. ., Madera, S. ., García, G. ., Herrera, J. ., Martínez, L. C., Barrios, L. F. ., Barrios, L. F. ., Guevara, R. A. ., & Llinás, C. A. . (2023). Evaluation of body composition in a Colombian population attending a private practice in the city of Barranquilla, Atlántico. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 41(6). Retrieved from http://caelum.ucv.ve/ojs/index.php/rev_aavft/article/view/25956