Knowledge about HIV-AIDS in women sex workers who attend to El Priorato health center, Ecuador


  • Zuly Nazate Chuga
  • Obando Enríquez Anderson Mauricio


HIV/AIDS, prevention, sex workers, program


Introduction: The lack of knowledge, the minimum culture of prevention that reduces exposure factors and risks of HIV/AIDS are common in sex workers, for this reason the objective of this study was to describe the clinical characteristics in women sex workers who attend the El Priorato health center, Ecuador. Methodology: A study with a cross-sectional and descriptive design was carried out in female sex workers who attended the aforementioned care center, during the year 2020. A questionnaire was used to evaluate the characteristics of the women evaluated. Results: A total of 100 women were analyzed, 58% were between 25-29 years old, a similar percentage had a maximum of secondary education, 46% were of Colombian origin, 66% began their work before 20 years of age. , 48% did not have children and a similar percentage had less than 3, 36% reported that they never used a condom, 77% had sexual relations with at least 2 different people daily, 54% had no knowledge of HIV prevention/AIDS, 54% are rarely tested for HIV/AIDS and 60% rarely received training about the disease. Conclusion: The sex workers who attend the Priorato Health Center show a high frequency of ignorance of HIV/AIDS and of the main actions for its early identification, therefore it is urgently necessary to initiate immediate training and prevention strategies.


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How to Cite

Nazate Chuga, Z. ., & Anderson Mauricio, O. E. . (2023). Knowledge about HIV-AIDS in women sex workers who attend to El Priorato health center, Ecuador. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 41(8). Retrieved from