Importance of the communication of university teachers in Peru, in virtual education: Systematic review



communication, virtual education, university professor


The article is framed in the category of systematic review, responds to the review, analysis, and bibliographic selection of existing articles of the last 10 years, linked to the importance of university teacher communication in virtual education. It aims to describe the importance of university teacher communication in the teaching-learning process within virtual educational practice. He belongs to the research line of pedagogical innovation, is descriptively and methodologically has followed the guidelines of the flow of systematic review of the scientific literature, making use of the prism method, review table of articles, table of abstracts, statistical graphs of the reviewed scientific literature, analysis of the results, discussion, and conclusions of the reviewed literature. The results of the 23 selected articles make visible the position of different writers regarding the communication of the university professor, virtual education, the link between both criteria and certain characteristics; the literature reflects a lack of articles that delimit the impact of the communicative strategies used in the virtual education process. However, relevant information was found regarding the importance of communication and communication skills of teachers in their educational practice and in the process of training future professionals.


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How to Cite

Salazar, C. Ángeles ., Cortez Pautrat, C. R. ., Calderón Fernández, J. N. ., Coa Mamani, R. E. ., & Cerafin Urbano, V. A. . (2023). Importance of the communication of university teachers in Peru, in virtual education: Systematic review . AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 41(10). Retrieved from