Stress and job performance of secondary teachers under the telework modality



stress, teleworking, secondary teachers, covid -19


Changes are part of the future of the human being in its different contexts and these transformations are the product of the need to adapt them in the areas in which they are immersed. Undoubtedly, the pandemic caused by Covid-19 produced in human beings’ uncertainties about the consequences it could generate. The purpose of this research was to analyze the levels of stress and work performance in teachers under the modality of telework, during the preventive isolation declared by the World Health Organization in the last 2 years. The current study used a quantitative descriptive method. A questionnaire was used to assess the levels of stress and it has a considered level of validity and reliability. The sample consisted of 94 of 120 teachers linked to the secondary educational institution of the public sector. As a conclusion of this study, most teachers suffer from stress, which significantly affects their work performance


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Calderón, M. A. ., Paternina Avilez, Y. E. ., Wihiler Villadiego, M. C. ., Gastelbondo Rivera, L., Flórez de Albis, L. M. ., & Díaz Therán, K. M. . (2023). Stress and job performance of secondary teachers under the telework modality. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 41(10). Retrieved from