Performance of the left-handed in a dental unit designed for right-handed user


  • Yaima Rodríguez Cuellar,
  • Yamily González Cardona,


Left-handed, right-handed, dental unit, ergonomics


In the world population there are approximately only 10% left-handed, and 90% are right-handed, for this reason most objects are manufactured for people who dominate the right side. In dentistry the left-handed operator has a disadvantage in relation to their right-handed counterparts, due to the instruments and equipment that are designed for the use of a right-handed person. Objective: The present study has the objective to evaluate the performance of the left-handed operator in a dental chair designed for a right-handed person, in the “UNIANDES” Dental Care Unit. Method: A survey was applied to 123 students who carry out their practices in the dental care unit "UNIANDES", of them 17 are left-handed and 106 right-handed. Results: More than half of the left-handed students mentioned having difficulties in performance, position, with the trimodular, access to the upper left hemi arcade, discomfort to the patient, work time, postures, and musculoskeletal pain. Conclusions: Although the left-handed operator can work in a right-handed dental unit, effects will be perceived in their performance and operability, possible discomfort to the patients and musculoskeletal symptoms due to the exercise of their daily practice in inappropriate postures and performing unnecessary operative actions. To avoid this there is the challenge of the left-handed person becoming right-handed or ambidextrous or considering the acquisition of a dental chair for left-handed operators in the future.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Cuellar, , Y., & González Cardona, , Y. (2023). Performance of the left-handed in a dental unit designed for right-handed user. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 41(11). Retrieved from