Analysis of lifestyles, anxiety and depression in medical students of the Autonomous Regional University of Los Andes, Uniandes. Ambato


  • Juan Viteri Rodríguez
  • Alejandra Medina Parra
  • María Fernanda Morales


mental health, anxiety, depression, lifestyle, medical students.


The present research work is an analysis of lifestyle, anxiety, and depression in medical students of Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes in Ambato, 2018 with the objective of identifying early alerts that indicate anxiety or depression within this population. It is generally known that a medical career is highly burdened by academic and emotional stress due to its heavy academic curriculum and busy schedule, which negatively influences the students' lifestyle: inadequate diet, sedentary lifestyle, and toxic habits. This is reflected in the deterioration of the physical, mental, and emotional health of the students where there is a high prevalence of anxiety and depression. Tests were applied to assess the lifestyle, anxiety, and depression of 445 students between 18-25 years of age who take the different semesters at the medical school. In the results, we found that 69% of students do not have an adequate lifestyle, the prevalence of mild and moderate anxiety 46% and 34% respectively, and normal depression 86%.


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How to Cite

Viteri Rodríguez, J. ., Medina Parra, A. ., & Morales, M. F. . (2023). Analysis of lifestyles, anxiety and depression in medical students of the Autonomous Regional University of Los Andes, Uniandes. Ambato. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 41(11). Retrieved from