Clinical approach to chronic pain in geriatric patients


  • Fernando Gabriel Medina Andaluz
  • Joselyn Vanessa Flores Fiallos
  • Sofía Belén Quisiguiña Cárdenas
  • Marlon Alexander Chávez Solano
  • José Rolando Chimbolema Chimbolema
  • Hugo Patricio Roldán Simbaña
  • Elizabeth Sánchez Andrango
  • Janneth Karina Morales Guaminga
  • Gissela Paulina Cofre Santo


Chronic pain (CP) is a highly frequent clinical problem in the elderly population, which entails severe consequences for overall wellbeing, functionality and Independence, and quality of life. Almost invariably, CP causes and reinforces added conditions, such as sleep disorders, musculoskeletal alterations, reduced mobility, falls, malnutrition, neurocognitive decline, depression and other mental disorders, and polypharmacy. The work and financial burden of CP in geriatric patients on public health systems is equally aggravating, estimated in several thousands of dollars per patient annually, fundamentally attributed to hospitalizations, paramedical care, medications, and medical consultations. These expenses have shown a rapid upwards trend in recent years. In this scenario, clear, precise and quick medical intervention is necessary, with an organized focus. Interdisciplinary word shines in this respect as an essential element, along with the integration of the family and other caretakers. Thus, this article reviews the clinical approach to CP in geriatric patients, including psychosocial and pharmacologic interventions.

Keywords: Chronic pain, geriatric, aging, pain management.


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How to Cite

Medina Andaluz, F. G. ., Flores Fiallos, J. V. ., Quisiguiña Cárdenas, S. B. ., Chávez Solano, M. A. ., Chimbolema Chimbolema, J. R. ., Roldán Simbaña, H. P. ., Sánchez Andrango, E. ., Morales Guaminga, J. K. ., & Cofre Santo, G. P. . (2023). Clinical approach to chronic pain in geriatric patients. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 40(5). Retrieved from