Correction of structural and functional disorders of red blood cells by intravenous laser irradiation of peripheral blood in chronic endometritis



The objective of the research is to assess the possibility of correcting the structural and functional disorders of red blood cells in chronic endometritis using low-intensity laser blood irradiation in standard treatment.

Materials and Methods. Forty-two patients of reproductive age with a verified diagnosis of chronic endometritis in incomplete remission were divided into 2 groups: control, with endoscopic surgery for infertility and receiving drug therapy, and the second patient group, receiving combination treatment supplemented with an additional course of intravenous laser blood irradiation (ILBI)) for 7 days, 25 minutes daily,using the Mulat laser therapy apparatus (Russia) with a wavelength of 0.63 microns and an output power of 1.5-2 mW. The structural and functional properties of erythrocytes were determined based on the content of proteins and lipids in the membranes, the sorption parameters of the membrane, and the parameters of intra-erythrocyte metabolism.

Results. Before the start of traditional treatment, 87.9% of indicators of the structural and functional properties of erythrocytes resulted altered when compared with the values of healthy donors, respectively. The traditional combination treatment brought back to normal 10.3%, corrected 55.2% and left unchanged 34.5% of the parameters changed before treatment. The use of ILBI turned out to be much more effective, as it normalized 58.6%, corrected 37.9%, and left unchanged 3.5% of the indicators.

Keywords: intravenous laser blood irradiation, chronic endometritis, correction of immune disorders.


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How to Cite

Sunyaikina, O. A. ., Konoplya, A. A. ., & Prokofeva, Y. V. . (2023). Correction of structural and functional disorders of red blood cells by intravenous laser irradiation of peripheral blood in chronic endometritis. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 40(5). Retrieved from