Rights of underage patients


  • Zamira Asrarovna Akhmetianova candidate of juridical sciences, Associate Professor of the department of civil law under Kazan (Privolzhsk) Federal University (Russian Federation, Kazan)
  • Geliusa Khadievna Garaeva senior lecturer of the department of civil law under Kazan (Privolzhsk) Federal University (Russian Federa-tion, Kazan)
  • Olga Nikolaevna Nizamieva candidate of juridical sciences, Associate Professor of the department of civil law under Kazan (Privolzhsk) Federal University (Russian Federation, Kazan)


child rights, legal capacity, legal representatives, minor patient, medical care, medical in-tervention, psychiatric care, consent to medical intervention, refusal of medical care, med-ical secrecy, contract for the provision of paid medical services, med


The right of Russian citizens to their health protection is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. However, there are peculiarities of the exercise of this right by a category of patients. The article analyzes the legal status of a minor patient, considers his social and individual rights in medical care. The peculiarities of the exercise of the child's right to information about the state of his health are revealed, the aspects of making a decision on consent or refusal from medical care are considered. Given the fact that minor patients do not have full civil legal capacity, i.e. they cannot be responsible for their health and are not able to protect themselves, the article examines the relationship between the child's right to give his consent to medical intervention with the volume of civil legal capacity, as well as the conditions for the participation of a minor in contractual relations in the field of health care. The authors analyzed peculiarities of the exercise of rights by certain categories of minor patients: those who suffer from mental disorders, orphans and children left without parental care, minors, drug addicts, etc.


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How to Cite

Asrarovna Akhmetianova, Z., Khadievna Garaeva, G., & Nikolaevna Nizamieva, O. (2021). Rights of underage patients. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 40(1). Retrieved from http://caelum.ucv.ve/ojs/index.php/rev_aavft/article/view/22338