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Título : From Progress to Happiness: Measurements for Latin
Autor : Levy Carciente, Sary
Phelan C., Mauricio
Perdomo, Jhoner
Palabras clave : Development,
Latin America
Social indicators
Quality of life
Fecha de publicación : 5-Dec-2014
Citación : Social Change Review;Vol. 12(1)
Resumen : This paper is based on a transformed concept of development: from a concept of development that is single-dimensional, concrete, and mainly quantitative, into one that is multidimensional. We focus on the components of development, the measurement of which includes qualitative observations of its effect on final beneficiaries. Because a useful understanding of development policies requires an evaluation of all the different metrics that emerge, we evaluate the development indices of 19 Latin American countries. The most recent theoretical perspectives link development to both liberal philosophy - focusing on the many dimensions of human society and the fundamental rights of the individual - and utilitarianism - emphasizing an evaluation of the success of various development policies and the usefulness of their outcomes.
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