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Título : Análisis de la agresividad climática y concentración de las precipitaciones en Venezuela. II. Región Noroccidental
Autor : Cortez, Adriana
Rodriguez, María F.
Rey, Juan C.
Lobo, Deyanira
Parra, Raquel
Ovalles, Francisco
Gabriels, Donald
Palabras clave : Geoestadística
Indice de Fournier Modificado
Indice de Concentración de la Precipitación
Manejo sostenible de tierras
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Editorial : Universidad Centro-occidental Lisandro Alvarado
Citación : Bioagro 23(1):13-18. 2011
Resumen : In order to assess the aggressiveness and the concentration of precipitation in the northwestern region of Venezuela, we analyzed the monthly precipitation data from 69 stations from of Zulia, Falcón, Lara and Yaracuy states. The Modified Fournier Index (IFM) was calculated to estimate the rain aggressiveness, and Precipitation Concentration Index (ICP) that estimates the rainfall distribution. These values were analyzed using univariated and geostatistical analysis. For mapping climate variables was performed using kriging interpolation, and edited with ArcView. The results allowed analyzing the variability of IFM and ICP, finding that in the north (La Guajira and the north and northwest coast of Falcon state) the rainfall is moderately seasonal to seasonal, while south of the study area, where values precipitation ranging from 1240 to 2260 mm per year, the ICP has moderately seasonal values, but with very high aggressiveness. A high proportion (56%) of precipitation has high to very high IFM values, while the remainder have moderate values, what makes the West region is highly vulnerable to degradation by the effect of rainfall erosivity.
Descripción : Cortez et al., Bioagro. 2011
ISSN : 1316-3361
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Publicados

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