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Título : Simulation of Fluid Flow and Micro-Fractures in Syinthetic Sansdtone
Autor : Mendez C., Rossi C.
Palabras clave : Modelos Hidraúlicos
Flujo de Fluidos
Fecha de publicación : 28-Feb-2013
Citación : T-2012-2370;
Resumen : Simulation of fracture patterns represents one of the big challenges in Geomechanics due to its complexity. Schematic representation of the shape and dimension of fractures are generally difficult to perform. Nowadays, there are several numerical model developed with the aim of modeling fracturing pressures and the resulting fracture geometries. However, most available models require the indication of fracture initiation and fracture propagation within the rock. Therefore, there is a limitation within the simulation that constrains the ability of the model for predicting fracture behavior. The project thesis will discuss how to model hydraulic fracturing and fluid flow in synthetic sandstones at a specific state of stress. Discrete element models (PFC2D) are used to simulate these processes. Particle Flow Code or PFC2D is a discontinue code that simulates the interactions and movements between the discretized particles. The rock is treated as group of particles or disks that are moving in a specific region. The synthetic sample shows good agreement with typical petrophysical and mechanical values of real sandstones. Darcy flow and hydraulic fracturing were reproduced by setting a fluid flow network within the discretized model. The results exhibit a positive correlation with common behavior of rocks that are under the effect of a process like hydraulic fracturing.
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