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Título : BrainWave Navigator Interacción humano computador mediante un dispositivo electroencefalógrafo
Autor : Guzmán, José
Silva Sprock, Antonio Mauricio
Morales Bezeira, Ana Verónica
Palabras clave : Human computer interaction
Input devices
Graphical user interfaces
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Fecha de publicación : 18-Oct-2024
Editorial : 2024 L Latin American Computer Conference (CLEI)
Citación : 10.1109/CLEI64178.2024.10700462
Resumen : The mouse is an electronic computational input device, used in GUI graphic environments; however, its prolonged use can generate disorders in the nerves that interact in the hand, one of them is well known as “Carpal Tunnel Syndrome”, which generates pain, swelling, and difficulty moving the affected joints. On the other hand, some devices are made up of sensors capable of detecting brain waves, and with them, data related to facial expressions can be obtained and interpreted, which can be processed as data that helps generate commands and simulate mouse movements in GUI environments. This article proposes an accessibility and health solution for our hands, where we can interact with the Chrome browser using brain waves produced by facial expressions, through the use of BrainWave Navigator.
ISSN : 2771-5752
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Publicados

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