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Título : AlzRastreo: Accompanying Alzheimer’s Patients and Their Caregivers.
Autor : Morales Bezeira, Ana Verónica
Silva Sprock, Antonio Mauricio
Palabras clave : mobile app
Alzheimer´s disease
Fecha de publicación : 20-Jun-2024
Citación : Communications in Computer and Information Science;1775
Resumen : Spatial disorientation is one of the most characteristic symptoms associated with Alzheimer's disease. It manifests as an intense need for the person to go somewhere else, usually with no idea where. This, together with difficulties in recognizing familiar places, highlights the dangers that these patients may face. In this special degree work, the development of a multiplatform mobile application is implemented as a solution to this problem, and thus assists and improves the quality of life of people with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers. In this sense, we developed the mobile application developed is based on geolocation and its main objective is to allow knowing the location of these patients through the location services of mobile devices, in addition to the definition of geographic areas considered safe, such as their home or work, to notify the relevant caregivers of their whereabouts in case the patients are away from a safe place, and thus provide assistance in case of a possible emergency. The mobile application proposed as a result of this work follows an adaptation of the agile methodology called Mobile-D. It is built under the Android platform, using Apache Cordova and Ionic for its development.
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