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Título : Morpho-biometric data of Chitwoodius coffeae and of some mononchids (Nematoda: Enoplea) from Venezuela.
Autor : Perichi, Guillermo
Lugo, Zunilde
Crozzoli, Renato
Aguirre, Yndira
Melero, Nathaly
Palabras clave : Biodiversity
Fecha de publicación : 2-Mar-2022
Editorial : Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía (UCV)
Resumen : Free-living nematodes in Venezuela have been poorly studied. The interest by these nematodes centers on the fact that these organisms can be used as indicators of soil quality. However, their usefulness as bioindicators depends intrinsically on the role they play within the edaphic trophic web and extrinsically on their correct identification. Recently, free-living forms were identified in rhizospheric soil samples from different plants and localities of the country. Specimens were extracted from soil samples by modified Cobb method. Nematodes were fixed in a hot (80 ºC) solution of 2.5% formaldehyde, subsequently infiltrated with glycerin using the Seinhorst’s rapid method, and then observed, photographed with eye-piece camera and hand drawn with help of a camera lucid mounted on a light microscope. Raw photographs were edited using Adobe® Photoshop®. Populations of Chitwoodius coffeae, Prionchulus zelli, Sporonchulus ibitiensis and Crassibucca were detected for the first time in Venezuela. Comments on the morpho-biometric characteristics of the recorded all nematodes are presented here.
ISSN : 0041-8285
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Publicados

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