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Título : Patología mamaria en una consulta de Ginecología: Caracterización y factores de riesgo
Autor : Gómez Riveros, Lilia Verónica
Palabras clave : patología mamaria
factor de riesgo
ecografía mamaria
biopsia de mama.
Fecha de publicación : Oct-2021
Citación : Gómez Riveros, Lilia Verónica (2022) Patología mamaria en una consulta de Ginecología: Caracterización y factores de riesgo.Trabajo Especial de Grado que se presenta para optar al título de Especialista en Obstetricia y Ginecología en la Facultad de Medicina de la UCV. Tutor: Esp.Tapia, María José
Resumen : To characterize the pathologies diagnosed in patients who attended the breast pathology consultation of the Gynecology Service of the Concepción Palacios Maternity Hospital, period July 2020-July 2021. Methods: Retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive, case-control study; it included 73 histories of patients with breast pathology and 73 patients with normal breasts. Results: 40 benign lesions (54.8 %), 10 (13.7 %) malignant and 23 cases (31.5 %) not classifiable were diagnosed. Thirty patients (41.1%) had palpable tumor, 24 (32.8%) pain and 42 (57.5%) palpable nodes. In benign lesions, the tumor was soft or relentent (63.6%) and in malignant lesions, indurated (75%) (p=0.007). There was orange peel in 2 malignant cases. The risk factor for benign pathology was the use of hormone therapy (p=0.027); having previous abortions (p=0.035), breastfeeding (p=0.049) and smoking (p=0.009) were protective. For cancer, it was age and the use of hormone therapy. In benign lesions, 39 ultrasounds were BIRADS 1, 2 or 3; among the malignant ones, the diagnoses were BIRADS 4, 5 and 6 (p=0.001). Mammograms of malignant cases were BIRADS 4 and 5 (p=0.001). Among 15 fine needle punctures (20.5%), 8 (53.3%) have pending results, 2 (13.3%) were metastatic carcinomas and 2 (13.3%) ductal hyperplasia with atypia. Among the 11 core needle biopsies, 8 (72.7%) were reported as carcinomas. Conclusions: There were 54.8% benign pathology and 13.7% malignant. The characteristics are similar to those described in the literature.
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