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Título : Interacción fluoruro de sodio con Moringa oleifera en sangre periférica de pez cebra Danio rerio
Autor : Alvarez, Marco
Guadarrama, Ricardo
Marjorie, Arias
Perdomo, Lourdes
Navarro, Eliana
Palabras clave : Fluoruro de sodio
Moringa oleifera
pez cebra
Fecha de publicación : 11-Apr-2017
Editorial : Revista de Toxicologia en Linea RETEL
Citación : ;49
Resumen : The interaction between inorganic chemical agents and herbal medicine has motivated the search for experimental models to evaluate the relationship toxicity/protection related to it. An example of this interaction comes from the fluorine, oxidative chemical contaminant on the aqueous extract of Moringa oleifera (M.oleifera), a plant highly consumed for its nutritional potential. In the present work the adult zebrafish Danio rerio was used to evaluate the effects of the interaction between both, until the present little studied. The LC50 of Sodium Fluoride (NaF) and M.oleifera aqueous extract was estimated using GraphPad Prism software version 6.6. Cell populations present in peripheral blood spreads, obtained after 24 h of treatment, were analyzed by microscopy. The histochemical stains of Feulgen and Acridine Orange allowed determining nuclear alterations in the eritrocitaria population. The data obtained were analyzed through Excel and the ImageJ program. A value of 0.75 ± 0.29 mg / ml was obtained for the LC50 of NaF and 11.00 ± 3.01 mg / ml for the LC50 of M.oleifera. It was determined that NaF induces an increase of neutrophils and eosinophils which is reduced in the presence of M.oleifera and a decrease in lymphocytes that reverts in the combined group. The presence of apoptotic bodies in NaF treated erythrocytes showed a statistically significant reduction in the presence of M.oleifera. The results show a toxicity/protection relationship and in particular, a hematotoxicity/hematoprotection ratio, until now little studied and, on the other hand, suggest that the aqueous extract of M. oleifera could be safely consumed, giving the organism a possible action hematoprotective against the toxic damage promoted by fluoride.
Descripción : El articulo describe el papel protector de Moringa oleifera contra la toxicidad inducida por el fluoruro de sodio
ISSN : 1668-091X
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Publicados

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