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Título : Microwave irradiation for rapid epidermis-dermis separation and improved epidermal cell immunodetection
Autor : Sánchez, MA
Díaz, NL
Tapia, Félix J.
Palabras clave : Dentritic epidermal cells
Dermal separation
Langerhans cells
Fecha de publicación : 26-Apr-2002
Citación : Vol. 77;4
Resumen : We explored the effects of microwave irradiation on epidermal-dermal separation and subsequent immunostaining of epidermal cells. Epidermal sheets were obtained after incubation in 0.02 M EDTA in PBS and microwave irradiation with 4 pulses of 420 watts for 5 sec, with a total incubation period of 4 min. The control epidermal sheets were immunostained for Langerhans cells and dendritic epidermal T cell using a conventional immunoperoxidase method. The experimental immunodetection of these cells was assisted by incubating the primary antibodies for 10 min at 70 watts. We showed a simple and rapid method for separation of the epidermal-dermal junction and immunostaining of epidermal cells with optimal morphological preservation.
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