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Título : Fishes: A Didactical Unit in an Uncommon School
Otros títulos : Los peces: una unidad didáctica en una escuela diferente
Autor : Lacueva, Aurora
Imbernón, Francisco
Llobera, Rosa
Palabras clave : Educative innovation
Science education
Democratic education
Elementary school education
Fecha de publicación : 2004
Editorial : e-Journal of Educational Research, Assessment and Evaluation - Revista Electrónica de Investigación y Evaluación Educativa
Citación : Lacueva, A., Imbernón, F. & Llobera, R. (2004). Fishes: A didactical unit in an uncommon school. RELIEVE, 10(2). At:
Resumen : In this case study we describe and interpret a didactical experience centered on the theme “Fishes” and developed in a first-grade classroom of an innovative school. We systematically recorded the experience, collected documents,and interviewed the principal, the teacher and the students. Seven categories were used for the interpretation of data: learning connected to the real world, availability of sufficient resources, excessive narrowness of the theme, openness vs. structure in the didactical work, children as protagonists, a rich school life beyond the classroom, and the multi-faceted relation between school and home. The article outlines and discusses children’s learning achievements.
ISSN : 1134-4032
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Publicados

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