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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
1939Cross section throught Alquitrana Structure and SurroundingsDr. H.P Schaub
1939Geological map Alquitrana Structure and SurroundingsDr. H.P Schaub
1939Geological map Alquitrana Structure and Surroundings Sheet ADr. H.P Schaub
1939Geological map Alquitrana Structure and Surroundings Sheet BDr. H.P Schaub
1939Geological map Alquitrana Structure and Surroundings Sheet CDr. H.P Schaub
1939Geological map Alquitrana Structure and Surroundings Sheet DDr. H.P Schaub
1939Geological map Alquitrana Structure and Surroundings Sheet EDr. H.P Schaub
1939Geological sketh of the Rubio BasinDr. H.P Schaub
1939Stratigraphical column of Alquitrana StructureDr. H.P Schaub
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