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Mostrando resultados 9 a 28 de 68
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18-Nov-2015BIOENERGÍA CON BASE EN LA BIOMASAGoldwasser, Mireya
2003Catalysis research in VenezuelaGoldwasser, Mireya
15-Mar-2004Characterization and reactivity of Ru/single oxides catalysts for the syngas reactionGoldwasser, Mireya; Perez Z., M. J.; Dufour, Muriel; Leclercq, L.; Bond, G.; Leclercq, G.; Cubeiro, M. L.; Griboval, A.; Halluin, Yann
21-Jul-2015Characterization of new Co and Ru on -WC catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch reaction Influence of the carbide surface stateGriboval-Constant, A.; Giraudon, J.M.; Twagishema, I.; Leclercq, G.; Rivas, M.E.; Alvarez, Juan; Pérez Zurita, M. Josefina; Goldwasser, Mireya
10-Feb-2006Charecterization of new Co and Ru on -- WC catalysts for Fisher Tropsch reaction influence of the carbide surface stateGoldwasser, Mireya; Alvarez, Juan; Perez Z., M. J.; Giraudon, J.M.; Rivas, M. E.; Griboval, A.; Twagishema, I.; Leclercq, G.
17-Nov-2015CO2 REFORMING OF CH4 ON NANOSTRUCTURED NI-BASED CATALYSTS FROM ORGANOMETALLIC COMPLEXES PRECURSORSGoldwasser, Mireya; Alvarez, Juan; Florez, Pedro; Molina, Johana; Pietri, Egle; Perez Zurita, Josefina
31-Oct-2012CO2 reforming of CH4 over CoeLa-based perovskite-type catalyst precursorsGoldwasser, Mireya; Valderrama, Gustavo; Urbina, Caribay
6-Apr-2015CO2 reforming of CH4 over CoeLa-based perovskite-type catalyst precursorsValderrama, Gustavo; Urbina de Navarro, Caribay; Goldwasser, Mireya
20-Jul-2015CO2 reforming of CH4 over CoeLa-based perovskite-type catalyst precursorsValderrama, Gustavo; Urbina de Navarro, Caribay; Goldwasser, Mireya
2005Combined methane reforming in presence of CO2 and O2 over LaFe1 xCoxO3 mixed-oxide perovskites as catalysts precursorsGoldwasser, Mireya; Rivas, M.E; Lugo, M.L; Pietri, E; Pérez-Zurita, J; Cubeiro, M.L; Griboval-Constant, A; Leclercq, G
18-Aug-2005Combined methane reforming in presence of CO2 and O2 over LaFe1-xCOxO3 mixed oxide perovskites as catalysts precursorsGoldwasser, Mireya; Rivas, M. E.; Perez Z., M. J.; Lugo, M. L.; Pietri, Egle; Cubeiro, M. L.; Griboval, A.; Leclercq, G.
20-Jul-2015Dry reforming of CH4 over solid solutions of LaNi1 xCoxO3Valderrama, Gustavo; Kiennemann, A.; Goldwasser, Mireya
7-Feb-2008Dry reforming of CH4 over solid solutions of LaNi1-xCoxO3Goldwasser, Mireya; Valderrama, Gustavo; Kiennemann, A.
31-Aug-2005Dry reforming of methane aver Ni perovskite type oxidesGoldwasser, Mireya; Valderrama, Gustavo; Urbina, Caribay; Berrauilt, Joel; Tatibouet, Jean; Martinez, Fernando; Batiot, C.
20-Jul-2015Dry reforming of methane over Ni perovskite type oxidesValderrama, Gustavo; Goldwasser, Mireya; Urbina de Navarro, Caribay; Tatiboue¨t, Jean M.; Barrault, Joél; Batiot-Dupeyrat, C.; Martínez, Fernando
20-Jul-2015Effect of the porous structure of the support on hydrocarbon distribution in the FischereTropsch reactionBartolini, Mónica; Molina, Jhoanna; Alvarez, Juan; Goldwasser, Mireya; Pereira Almao, Pedro; Pérez Zurita, M. Josefina
28-Oct-2014Effect of the porous structure of the support on hydrocarbon distribution in the fischer tropseh reactionGoldwasser, Mireya; Alvarez, Juan; Perez Z., M. J.; Molina, Johana; Pereira, Pedro; Bartolini, Monica
18-Nov-2015EN RELACIÓN A LA ENERGÍA EÓLICA….Goldwasser, Mireya
2011Estructura metálica de catalizadores basados en Perovskita La1-YCeYCo1-XFeXO3 en metano reformado con CO2 Y O2Goldwasser, Mireya; García, Adriana; López, Carmen M.; García, Luis
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